Email List & Facebook
What is the Moorlinch Mailing List?
What is the Moorlinch Mailing List?
This is a service provided by the Chairman and Clerk of the village (the Administrators), and is used to share information to local residents.
A third party provider (Mailchimp) is used to manage a mailing list which allows Moorlinch residents and people associated with the village to communicate via email to the whole group. Typically this is used to share information about local village events, planning matters, news from the council or anything relevant to the village. Usually there are 2 or 3 notifications per week. The Administrators run this on a voluntary and best efforts basis, to ensure the village is kept up to date on local news and issues.
Recent messages can be found here.
How do I subscribe (or unsubscribe)?
Simply click on this link and follow the simple instructions. You will be asked to provide your name and email address, and by doing so confirm that you agree to receive the village emails and understand that your details will never be shared with any third parties. The Parish Chair and the Parish Clerk are the administrators and moderators. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of any email you have received from the group.
How is my personal data used?
When you register you supply your name and email address. These are stored on Mailchimp’s highly secure servers and are not shared with any third party. This information is only used to send messages to the village mailing list.
How do I send a message to the group?
Send your email to either the Chair or the Clerk and your message, subject to approval, will be shared with the group. Typically your message will be sent within a couple of hours of receipt but clearly this depends on the availability of the administrators receiving the message.
There is no fixed time or to share a message as this is a voluntary service done on a best efforts basis. You can of course post messages via the village Facebook group.
Are the content of messages ever edited by the administrators?
Occasionally the messages will be edited or rephrased to improve clarity, or (for example) if several people have sent similar emails concerning the same matter.
Are there any guidelines on content?
Mailchimp has clear terms of use regarding the content sent via its service. Common sense should dictate whether the content is appropriate, and the Administrators reserve the right to not distribute a message if it breaches Mailchimp’s Terms of Use or is not an appropriate message for the Moorlinch village group. The aim of the group is for information sharing. Messages should also not speak on behalf of public bodies (e.g. The Council, Church, etc) unless the communication has been sent directly from a member of that body authorised to represent them.
The service is also not a discussion or debating forum. Please address such issues through the village meetings. In the event of the Administrators feeling that a message is not appropriate, the sender will be notified that their message will not be sent. The Administrators will not enter into discussions or debates about their decision.
I’m not receiving the messages – what has happened?
Please check your spam filters or junk mail, and ensure the group emails are not being treated as spam/junk. If not, check with the Administrators who will verify the member list for your email address.
I want to reply to the sender of a message I received – what do I do?
Do not hit reply. Your message will be sent to an unmonitored mailbox. If you want to contact the person who sent the original message, please seek out their email in the text of the message and contact them directly. The Administrators are NOT an email forwarding service! If you wish to contact the Administrators, do so directly.
Can I choose to receive only a few of the emails as not all are relevant to me?
No. All members of the group receive all emails.
The format of some of the messages makes it difficult to read on my iPhone – can this be fixed?
All messages are simply forwarded by the administrators. How it is displayed on your device (e.g. tablet, phone, laptop, etc) will depend on the device used and your email software.
What are the best formats for sending messages?
Simple typed text is best. Most people now read email on their mobile phones and this is easiest to read. Also best to avoid attachments, but if you must send them please keep to a minimum size to avoid blocking up inboxes, and also only use common formats (such as jpg or pdf). Please do not expect the Administrators to create fancy formats for you, or expect any such formats you may have created yourself to be preserved.
What is the Moorlinch Facebook Page?
Moorlinch has a Facebook page – “Moorlinch Village & Moorlynch Village” which can be found
This is a privately run site and is for residents of Moorlinch and any of the surrounding villages. It is a friendly place for people to share information about the village, be it sensible or frivolous.
Local businesses are free to promote themselves within reason, and reason is determined by the administrators.
It is not the place for disagreements or debate, and is a friendly space. Anybody not using it in the intended spirit will be warned and if appropriate blocked.