If you wish to contact us please select who you wish to contact and fill in your name, email address and message. Thank you.
Get In Touch
If you wish to add a “Forthcoming Event”, select the Web Enquiries option and provide the following information.:
- Title
- Short Description
- An image / picture file (optional)
- Date and Time
- Name of the Organiser
- Contact Email for Organiser
Please also include the start and end dates you wish for these to be displayed, as the site automatically manages the displays by date (so expired events will disappear)
For Useful Links please provide the following
- Short Description
- An image / picture file (optional)
- The URL for the site
- A contact phone number for the site (optional)
Note – this is NOT for advertising local businesses – see below – but about having a single place to find useful local services.
Local businesses can display a business card on this site as a means of advertising. There is a modest fee of £12 per year (£1 per month) which will finance the site hosting, security certificate, URL costs and basic maintenance.
If you own a local business (or know somebody who would like to advertise their business on the site) then get them to contact me on the email address above. I will advise them how to pay for the advert and I will need the following information:
- Business Name
- Short description of what they do
- Owner name
- An image / picture file of the logo (optional)
- contact email address
- contact phone number
- Website (optional)